
We are proud to have professional, experienced trainers, as CrossFit is a sport that requires good coaching. Our trainers are also trainers at CrossFit Twente and are experienced, professional, certified, and always accessible to provide good coaching. Get to know them down below!

Steve Kane

Steve joined the team of Hercules trainers in 2017. He started volunteering, and you can see he is passionate about teaching when you see him in classes. He is always up to do something fun. He studied electrical engineering and now runs Kanetronics in Enschede, and you might find him at RicoLatino on Thursdays nights, as dancing salsa is also another skill of Steve. Another passion of Steve’s is running. He has now run multiple ultra-marathons and goes on holiday to run.


  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
  • CrossFit Conjugate Powerlifting

Short Q&A with Steve

  1. What are your hobbies?
    • Gold, travel, and good food
  2. What is your favorite movie?
    • Any good 80s action film
  3. What is your favorite kind of music?
    • Again, 80s music. Most of it too
  4. What is the best part of your job?
    • The best part of the job is helping people reach their potential and push themselves further than they think they can
  5. What are your expectations for the future?
    • My expectations for the future are to keep traveling and striving to do the best I can. Meet people and enjoy the things that give you energy 

More information

You can follow Steve on Instagram: @steve_r_k

Marjolein Velthuizen

Marjolein is a current Ph.D. candidate at the University of Twente. Her research focuses on the adoption of model-based systems engineering. She joined Hercules in 2017, did a board year in 2018-2019 (together with Hanneke), and became a CF trainer in 2021. She primarily focuses on gymnastics to develop skills, flexibility, and strength. Therefore you will excel at getting the balance of mobility and power in your muscles and joints. Marjolein also enjoys running and she finished her first ultramarathon in September 2024.


  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Short Q&A with Marjolein

  1. What is your least favorite exercise?
    • Wall walks are absolutely my least favorite exercise. I don’t really see the added value, and they always hurt my shoulders. Burpees are ranked as the second worst exercise because I just don’t like to feel that miserable 😛
  2. What are your hobbies?
    • I really enjoy to be active. Other hobbies next to CrossFit and running are hiking, surfing, and trying new sports
  3. What is your favorite movie?
    • My favorite movie is “Love Actually”. It is the perfect Christmas movie, and I watch it every year before the Christmas Holidays
  4. What is your favorite kind of music?
    • Last year I had Harry Styles on repeat, but I enjoy a wide variety of music genres
  5. What is the best part of your job?
    • I Love to see the Hercules members try and be able to do new exercises and/or heavier weights. It is great to see them progress and do things they thought they were incapable of
  6. What are your expectations of for the future?
    • My expectations for the future are that I finish my pursue and finish my Ph.D. After that, I’m not sure yet what the future will bring.

More information

Marjolein is very active on social media. She always tries to promote a fit and healthy lifestyle and shares tips & tricks for the gym.  On top of that, She also makes personal fitness programs adjusted to individual goals.

You can follow Marjolein on Instagram as @marjoleinvelthuizen

Other Trainers

When Steve and Marjolein are on holiday or going to a marathon event, we have other trainers from CrossFit Twente. You can check their Coaches page for more info here.